Monday, January 12, 2015

Chesapeake 17 Kayak - still creating the panel blanks - January 12, 2015

I epoxied two more butt joints tonight. This is a photo of the joints clamped under a piece of wood and a sheet of plastic. 
This evening when I mixed the epoxy I only used two pumps each of resin and hardener and that amount saturated the fiber glass tape for both of the joints. I also used a spreader instead of a chip brush to spread the epoxy.  A brush can only be used once but a spreader can be used multiple times so using one saves the cost using a new brush each evening.

As I said in a prior post the four long panels pictured above need another section about a foot or so long added to them to create the complete blank. These sections according to the plan will come out of the panel that is wider than the other three. I'll mark it very clearly before I cut them out and epoxy them to the panels.

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